
The PTA mainly focuses on child advocacy and the supporting of an improved educational environment. However, with the new wave of budget cuts we also embark on some fundraisers to help provide that extra funding for some school programs and activities. We have a list of exciting fundraisers going on throughout the year. We pride in allowing the kids to learn outside the classroom, play, and have fun!  We at Moore have some of the best volunteers you can find, and we would love for you to join us as a volunteer on any one of these fundraising activities. You can also volunteer for any of the open PTA board positions.

Major Fundraisers
  • Cookie Dough Fundraiser
  • Book Fair Fundraiser
  • Box Tops for Education Fundraiser

Fun Activities that are also Fundraisers
  • Chuck-E-Cheese Night
  • Chick-Fil-A Night
  • Skate Night
  • Bingo Night

Box Tops for Education

Campbell's Labels for Education– Nourish Their Potential

Campbell's Labels for Education